
The P&C industry invested heavily in digital tools with the intention of cutting costs, settling claims quickly, and maximizing customer satisfaction. However, due to inflationary pressures as well as supply chain disruptions caused by the pandemic, policyholders have become skeptical of these digital solutions and are increasingly favoring direct one-on-one interactions with their insurers.

An eye-opening survey from J.D. Power discovered a vast surge in policyholders consulting their insurer for guidance, while digital claims reporting usage has unexpectedly dropped for the first time in history.

Despite the $700 billion property and casualty industry investing a whopping $8 billion in digital transformation over just 18 months, research has found that only 40% of claimants had positive experiences.

According to the recently released J.D. Power 2023 U.S Property Claims Satisfaction StudySM, 2022 was an incredibly challenging year financially for homeowners’ insurance providers because of increasing severity in events, expenses, and longer processing times— all of which have severely impaired customer satisfaction and tested the capabilities of digital tools meant to facilitate quicker resolutions and more efficient outcomes.

Digital technology cannot provide personalized support

Navigating the claims process can be daunting without a human representative to provide assurance and guidance. People often feel overwhelmed when they are struggling with delays, yet need reassurance that their issue will eventually be resolved. Digital alone simply cannot offer this level of support and understanding.

The 2023 study yielded some significant discoveries, including:

Repairs are taking longer to finish than before: Claim resolution time has been extended by four days since the previous year, and a full week longer than what was reported in the 2021 survey. On average, it now takes 22 days from claim reporting to completion of repairs.

The performance of insurance companies is inconsistent: The industry has improved by 3 points on the 1,000-point scale. However, out of the 17 ranked insurers, 8 declined in customer satisfaction while 9 showed progress year over year. Those that experienced significant improvements have been able to restrict their customers from having to contact them for information– which is an essential distinction between brands with higher or lower scores.

Proactively managing client expectations is paramount: While repair cycles of three weeks or longer can make customers feel dissatisfied, insurers can ameliorate customer satisfaction during lengthier and more intricate repairs by taking a couple of simple steps, including:

• Providing different ways for customers to stay informed about their repair status

• Establishing accurate estimates for claim duration

• Curbing customer requests for information

• Ensuring swift customer service is accessible

Pushing digital options on customers that prefer a call puts an undue burden on customer satisfaction: Customers who prefer to communicate with their insurer via more traditional channels, such as phone or in-person meetings, often report lower levels of satisfaction if they’re forced to use digital platforms for key parts of the claim process.

According to the research conducted, Erie Insurance ranked first regarding property insurance claims experience with a remarkable score of 912. Following suit was Amica in second place, scoring 903, and Nationwide trailing behind at 884.

Insurance could play a vital role in ensuring the metaverse is secure enough for widespread business and consumer acceptance, hastening its growth into an immense industry worth trillions of dollars.

The metaverse is poised to revolutionize immersive entertainment, socialization, and collaboration. According to Citi’s recent report, the total value of this extraordinary space could reach up to an astonishing $13 trillion by 2030 while its userbase will likely expand exponentially with as many as 5 billion people partaking in it.

As the metaverse continues to grow and evolve, users could find themselves vulnerable to fraud, theft, and destruction. With digital relationships being so complex and abstract it can be hard to determine who is at fault when an issue arises; similarly, with virtual possessions, it may be challenging to work out what exactly was taken or damaged – as well as how much value there really was in them in the first place.

Brands and other forms of intellectual property are especially likely to be compromised, as well as an increased risk of identity theft for participants. The rapid evolution of the metaverse also renders it difficult for individuals to anticipate potential security risks and vulnerabilities in the future.

Even though insurance may significantly reduce these risks, insurers have yet to roll out special policies at a large scale to safeguard digital assets or possessions in virtual reality. There could be many underlying causes for this, but two issues are particularly critical: the lack of clarity concerning (1) regulations and (2) insurance protocols in the space. Put simply, it will prove hard for insurers to evaluate risk and offer new products until regulatory guidelines become more concrete, while they would also need to learn how to correctly underwrite products and assess claims within virtual environments.

Regulation ambiguity

To begin, it is essential for regulators to inform participants that the same financial regulations applied here will also be applicable and upheld within a metaverse. That includes adhering to KYC (know your customer) protocols, AML (anti-money laundering) protocols, as well as laws prohibiting unfair trade practices.

Even though regulation is typically lagging innovation, this could be a benefit in disguise since the too-early implementation of rules may cause more harm than good. Even so, it’s difficult to recognize the true advantages of inventive innovations until appropriate regulations are introduced and the lack thereof can leave room for deceitful activities.

Existing regulations may not be enough; some of them will need to be amended for the metaverse, while others must still be established by regulators. As we know, it can take quite a long time before all ambiguities are clarified in court proceedings. In addition, the American regulatory landscape is extremely intricate as insurance rules vary across states, and enforcing laws becomes much more difficult when digital realms span around the globe.

Methodological uncertainty

The ever-changing regulatory landscape often complicates risk modeling, but insurers may now face a unique conundrum – how to accurately assess the risks of the metaverse. With this emerging technology being so new, data and experience for designing profitable products that satisfy consumer demands are also lacking.

Creating insurance policies for the metaverse can be complex considering that insurers are still in the process of forming successful pricing models. Additionally, adjudicating claims may also prove to be difficult given the inconceivable task of establishing accurate evaluations and documentation concerning damage inflicted upon digital possessions and property. To make matters trickier, service providers will likely establish their own avatars to interact with consumers and investigate damages; although this presents an entirely new set of issues since there aren’t any regulations or protocols governing how these avatars should operate yet.

How insurtech is synergistically linked to product-metaverse

As the metaverse gains momentum, so does governmental oversight and judicial interpretation. This presents several obstacles for insurance providers seeking to offer solutions for risks presented in this space; however, insurers and insurtechs alike are keeping an eye on developments with anticipation. They understand that clarifying regulations will pave the way forward and have already started compiling data pools as well as experimenting with potential products to be ready when the opportunity strikes. This should be a cause for celebration within the industry, as their success can drive rapid advancements in the upcoming digital revolution.

For a long time now, tech-savvy professionals have been referring to the buzzword “fintech” – short for Financial Technology. This term encompasses Digital Transformation and its capacity to revolutionize how financial services are provided.

In short, the implications of this are far-reaching. We can expect to witness new business models and market players emerging, leading to simplified processes, and disintermediation of traditional services and products – all presenting a host of exciting opportunities for those who seize them.

The conversations remain similar when the topic of discussion is insurtech, which encompasses all digital technological advancements with respect to the insurance sector.

Fintech and insurtech are two powerful forces that work symbiotically to drive progress. By mutually reinforcing each other, they are paving the way for a brighter future together.

To comprehend the size of the fintech market, it’s important to understand that global investment amounted to $107.8 billion in only the first half of 2022 and exceeded $111.2 billion during the previous six months (the second half of 2021). This illustrates just how rapidly this sector is growing.

Transforming to the more particular arena of insurtech, we notice that at the end of 2021, a respectable market value was held at $3.85 billion, with estimations predicting an astounding 51.7% compound annual growth rate by 2030.

Historically, the insurance industry had been hindered by its lengthy and tedious processes. This is no longer true as now we have seen a complete shift in this sector’s digitization process.

This transition has established a discernible trajectory, leading from digital identification and authentication systems to the harvesting of data – arguably the most treasured asset in any organization nowadays – to forging an innovative bond with customers.

In this article, we will be examining three essential regions: digital identity and electronic signature; legally approved digital preservation; and lastly, CRM systems to CCM that are digitized yet personalized.

Unlock the power of digital identity and electronic signing

AGID (Agency for Digital Italy) describes Electronic Identification as a method of using personal authentication data electronically to distinguish one individual or business from another. This process offers users the ability to identify themselves online confidently and securely.

In summary, digital identity is the only way to ensure that an individual online user can be identified within a computer system. Furthermore, it’s also important since it gives proof of which person is conducting specific activities on the Internet at any given time.

Let’s cut to the chase: digital identity systems make it possible for insurance companies to onboard customers directly online without tedious paperwork, all while complying with relevant laws and regulations and providing maximum security.

The electronic signature tool is no exception to this pattern. Remotely signing documents and contracts from any type of device through digital signature solutions has become commonplace, making it essential for you to integrate these tools into your processes to improve efficiency as well as provide a more seamless customer experience.

Ensure digital longevity with secure compliance

Prior to delving into the discussion of digital preservation, it is essential to recognize the distinction between dematerialization and digitization. Dematerialization processes refer to swapping paper documents for their electronic equivalents; conversely, digitizing procedures carry an even greater level of depth.

By digitizing paper documents and analog processes, we can reduce the expenses associated with manual techniques such as postage, storage space, etc., while granting digital counterparts full legal standing. Fintech and insurtech companies are reaping numerous advantages from this shift to digital technology; not only does it save a great deal of money but also allows them to cut down on time-consuming paperwork that is often integral in the insurance industry. Digitization enables us to streamline our business operations for greater efficiency.

Imagine the time and energy it can take to find a single piece of paper amongst mountains of paperwork. Even worse, what if you only need to search for certain pieces within one document? That’s why efficiency is paramount in this situation – searching through all these documents would be so much more difficult without it.

Thanks to digitization, these challenges are no more! You can quickly and precisely locate what you’re looking for in mere moments. Best of all, consistent digital storage allows you to avoid any risks regarding damage, deterioration, or compilation errors.

Imagine the ease of accessibility to entire documents or segments when working in a digital world; this is accomplished without delay or hassle, and with minimal risks. In contrast, accomplishing such tasks through an analog form may prove slow-paced and riddled with difficulties.

Moreover, let us not forget the transparency aspect or fundamentally, the countless possibilities that can be taken advantage of by analyzing your document repository on an entirely new level. Imagine all that you could gain through intelligent data analyses of large datasets or even deeper levels of “smart data” embedded in enterprise documents.

However, digitization offers more than just fulfillment; it also provides novel opportunities for electronic filing and CRM/CCM processes that can reap great rewards.

Transitioning from Customer Relationship Management to Content-Centric Marketing

This post has delved into the realms of fintech and insurtech, particularly accentuating the delicate process of onboarding. From digital identification methods to regulatory storage within digital archiving – we have discussed numerous key components that lead us to our conclusion: this last step is perhaps the most determinative one.

Digital archiving yields one of the most useful results: a powerful CRM system that is incredibly efficient, intuitive, and can be used for exhaustive analysis. In other words, it unlocks an invaluable trove of information about your customers.

What does this signify? An unparalleled understanding of your target market.

With a greater understanding of the insured, communication between insurance companies and individuals is revolutionized. This breakthrough in Customer Relation Management (CRM) systems also has an immense influence on future CCMs (Customer Communication Management). What’s the central keyword for upcoming CCMs? Personalization.

By beginning with data-driven analysis, companies can craft personalized digital conversations with their customers. The dialogue should consider individual risk profiles and the specific characteristics, needs, and desires of those individuals. It’s essential that this data is taken seriously – within the insurance industry which has grown to become the third largest manufacturing sector yet also holds one of the highest “planned churn” rates: climbing from 19.5% in 2018 to 22.5%.

To put it simply, customer retention is the priority for businesses in this industry. Companies must strive to build a lasting relationship with their customers and develop strategies that will help them achieve this goal. With the right tools such as certification and authentication systems, electronic signature capabilities, digital preservation technology, personalized marketing tactics, and communication options at hand – companies are sure to reach their goals of keeping customers engaged.

Learn the Basics of Reciprocal Insurance Exchange

Before we delve into the fundamentals of reciprocal insurance exchanges, let’s first discuss the contrast between different types of insurance company structures. Although ownership is the primary factor that distinguishes these structures from one another, this difference can have a major impact on how an insurance firm operates and who it benefits.

Despite being a novice at navigating the insurance market, you’ve likely heard of two different kinds of insurance structures – stock and mutual companies.

Stock insurance companies are owned by stockholders, of course. Whether these organizations are public or private determines who can get their hands on the stocks: they may be restricted to certain people and corporations, or open to all to purchase.

Stockholders are the backbone of insurance companies, and their contributions enable policyholders to receive coverage when filing claims, as well as cover necessary business expenses. Even though it may not seem like it, stock insurance companies are primarily run for profit to maximize returns for investors. To remain competitive and attract more policyholders, insurers owned by stockholders — such as Allstate, Progressive, and MetLife — have crafted appealing policies that build customer confidence. After all, the funding provided by their stockholders contributes to these companies’ well-earned reputation for being reliable providers of insurance. By deepening their pool of insured individuals, they can boost profits significantly.

Mutual insurance carriers are a common type of insurer, owned and operated by policyholders rather than stockholders. The idea behind such companies is that individuals or businesses with shared needs (e.g., healthcare workers or legal professionals) band together to create an organization that can fulfill those requirements more effectively. With the pooled resources from their members, mutual insurance providers can provide better service tailored towards everyone’s individual needs.

Unlike stock insurance companies that prioritize generating profits for shareholders, mutual insurance organizations strive to minimize premiums and other associated costs for policyholders. This is possible because the policyholders are also owners of the company; they have a say in who’s chosen on the board of directors which makes decisions about management and business operations in favor of those insured. Mutual insurance companies, such as State Farm and Liberty Mutual, use profits (otherwise known in the industry as dividends) to either store them for future policyholder claims or reinvest them back into their customers annually. This way, all insured members can benefit from the success of these providers.

Reciprocal insurance exchanges or reciprocal inter-insurance exchanges are different ways to form an insurance company. Like mutual insurers, policyholders own the exchange; however, there are several characteristics that distinguish reciprocals from their counterparts. Unlike mutuals which may be based on shared interests and needs, this is not necessarily true for all reciprocals. One of the most remarkable features of reciprocal insurers is their exclusive insurance agreements. A reciprocal insurer, also known as an exchange, involves trade between subscribers where policyholders obtain protection in exchange for becoming co-owners. When one person purchases coverage from such an organization, they swap contracts with other members and at once gain assurance while turning into part proprietors.

Reciprocal insurers such as Farmers Insurance and USAA operate based on a mutual exchange; each policyholder insures the other, allowing subscribers to share resources if one becomes subject to peril. In this arrangement, all parties are not only insured but also serve as insurance providers for their counterparts.

Uncovering the Mechanics of Reciprocal Insurance

Reciprocal inter-insurance exchanges are their own form of entity, not obligated to undergo the process of incorporation, and legally distinct from their owners. In other words, they’re both customers and owners at once; meaning that reciprocals do not qualify as reciprocal insurance companies – merely an exchange between members through a contractual agreement.

Subscribers of a mutual insurance policyholder will vote to select the board of governors, which acts as an advisory committee. As subscribers both own and are served by this reciprocal exchange, it is necessary for them to appoint a third party to sign contracts and serve as their underwriters. The board of governors is responsible for selecting an attorney-in-fact (AIF) to regulate the daily operations of the exchange. This individual or corporation will have power of attorney through the inter-insurance exchange, and they are accountable for issuing policies, managing claims, and overseeing underwriting procedures. AIFs may be owned internally by a reciprocal insurer (known as proprietary reciprocals) or hired externally from a third-party entity (termed nonproprietary).

One of the most popular types of insurance exchanges is nonassessable policies, which provide subscribers with the assurance that if their operating costs exceed expectations, they will not be charged extra. (Although assessable policies exist too, in comparison to the former type are much rarer.)

More than just coverage, a subscriber’s insurance policy through a reciprocal exchange influences the amount of their premium deposit and potential annual dividends. Furthermore, should another person file an insurance claim against them, they may be subjected to losing more funds depending on how much is due in premium payments.

A key contrast between mutual insurance companies and reciprocals is the bearer of risks. In mutual companies, it is the responsibility of the insurer to manage any financial losses resulting from policyholders’ submissions for claims. Reciprocal insurance exchanges are designed to divide potential losses through risk management and indemnity among the subscribers. This form of protection benefits all those included, as it places the risk on each subscriber – if one person makes an insurance claim, then everyone else must pay for this loss via their own premium deposit.

Ignoring compliance due dates or disregarding inaccurate/expired licenses can be financially damaging for insurers.

Compliance must remain a top priority for insurers not only in 2023 but always. The most recent NAIC Insurance Department Resource Report states that out of the 6,000 domestic insurers in the US, 1,474 financial and market conduct exams were carried out by state insurance departments this year – roughly 25% of all carriers! As such, regulators collected over $208 million worth of fines and penalties from these firms. To ensure you are always fully compliant with regulations it’s crucial that compliance stays at the forefront of your mind.

The crippling cost of neglecting to comply

The insurance industry lags when it comes to modernizing compliance processes. All too often, companies view compliance as an expense instead of an opportunity to optimize and improve their functions. This means they may forego software or vendor upgrades that could enhance their compliance efforts to cut costs on the balance sheet – despite not budgeting for fines or other regulatory penalties.

The insurance industry is currently facing a massive issue with non-compliance. Far too often, insurers lean on manual practices that are vulnerable to error or depend upon sporadic events such as license renewals and appointments to initiate compliance checks – usually occurring every two years. Clearly, there is no assurance of long-term monitoring and the corresponding tools required for enhanced compliance when this system is utilized.

Let’s look at the potential risk of policyholders not verifying licensure upon renewal. If an insurer does not have systems in place to verify their producer’s license status, it can lead to inaccuracies and perhaps fines during market conduct exams; even if there was no malicious intent or negligence involved on either side. The example here is of one such instance where a producer let his license lapse without being noticed by the insurer until it was too late.

Insurers often ask how much it will cost them to comply and how they can maximize the efficiency of their compliance spending. Generally, insurers figure that the total expense for things like staff, technology, and transactions associated with meeting regulations is known as the total cost of compliance. These expenditures are usually allocated in advance or under some type of control by the insurer.

Nonetheless, frequently overlooked are the costs of penalties and fines due to non-adherence. These expenses were not planned for and reflect how serious an insurer is about compliance.

A frequent inquiry is whether insurers are doing enough to keep up with current and upcoming regulations. The insurers seem to think they are putting forth the utmost effort, but vendors have a contrasting viewpoint-they witness too many approaches at carriers that could potentially fall short due to them being manual or because certain personnel hinder progress if they depart or switch roles in their departments.

So, how can insurers combat complex regulations? The simplest solution is to work with experienced providers who are already familiar with the complexities. It’s common for insurance companies to believe that their individual difficulties require distinct changes and approaches when all insurers must comply with the same standards. Sure, there are still difficult requirements but often those complications come from within the organizations themselves.

Though hundreds of insurers continue to demand license copies from producers, the upload and storage of these documents is not an obligatory regulatory requirement. Insurers are highly encouraged to take advantage of NIPR’s Producer Database for their verification needs as it is updated daily by state insurance departments – this ensures accuracy far greater than the printed license copy that reflects a single moment in time.

With the help of software, businesses can maximize their efficiency by streamlining compliance processes from onboarding producers, and license verification to appointing. Moreover, apart from a documented audit trail for all activities conducted in the program which ensures that no crucial details are neglected when it comes to any compliance task – having an established workflow also guarantees your business is always compliant.

With numerous legacy solutions to manage compliance, insurance providers often find themselves struggling with complex logins and processes for a single purpose. Thankfully, the software can be used to enhance efficiency within the organization, ultimately reducing costs associated with compliance. Streamlining these procedures brings about many benefits that help an insurer remain profitable and productive.

Furthermore, technology can provide an abundance of ways to guarantee that compliance data remains up to date. Any reliable compliance solution should directly integrate with the producer registrar, allowing for daily updates from state insurance departments regarding producers’ licenses and appointments; thereby ensuring that your insurer’s conformity records align accurately with the states’.

In today’s world, technology has drastically altered the compliance business. Fortunately for insurers, this shift presents an outstanding opportunity to move towards efficient solutions that provide tremendous benefits. By concentrating on these perks and making a paradigm switch from traditional tactics, insurers can more effectively manage costs while avoiding costly fines – all resulting in increased efficiency with a clearer view of their operations.

Although some insurtechs may experience difficulties and even fail, the majority are adjusting to guarantee success.

Contradictory Information

There are distinct reasons for the failure of insurtechs, such as plummeting share prices and unsustainable underwriting ratios of public insurtechs like Root, Lemonade, and Oscar. Private insurtech valuations have likewise dropped with other technology markets around the world. As a result of money issues, many insurance companies had to downsize their workforce significantly. With inflation continuing to be a concern and interest rates rapidly increasing, insurtech players have had no other choice but to collaborate if they want to stay ahead of the game. Due to these circumstances, it’s not surprising that this industry has been deemed fragile by even those in the know.

In 2022, the insurtech industry experienced a substantial decline in investment compared to previous years – dipping by nearly 50%, from $15.8 billion down to an unprecedented low of only $7.98 billion as reported by Gallagher Re’s Q4 analysis. Even more astonishingly, funding for the last quarter was 57% lower than that of Q3: plummeting from its high of $2.35 billion to a shocking low of one billion dollars!

While many insurtech companies remain small, there is a handful that have achieved real success. These firms boast desirable loss ratios, practical unit economics, and rapid growth rates – all hallmarks of sound businesses. By taking an unbiased look at the current landscape it becomes clear that despite different market conditions than ever before, insurtechs continue to find ways to succeed.

Investing versus Impact

It’s an interesting paradox that the progress of insurtech has recently been centered on funding and valuations, with much attention being paid to “unicorns” (companies with a value higher than $1 billion) or even some “decacorn” companies ($10 billion).

As the year 2021 progressed, many investors had become concerned about the lack of revenue and EBITDA from various insurtechs, especially when coupled with exorbitant customer acquisition costs. Realizing that cheap money and over-inflated valuations have led to a bubble in the economy, these apprehensions eventually became reality as they burst into full view. In the past, it was believed that new startups could exponentially grow and make a profit by simply obtaining more capital. Today though, real success for companies in the market relies heavily on revenue, expansion rate, customer reachability, margins, and EBITDA – especially when discussing young insurers.

Battling Through the Insurtech Maze

Making the dialogue around insurtech even more complex is its dual usage to denote two distinct types of firms:

  • Technology-driven start-ups and budding businesses are revolutionizing the insurance industry with innovative solutions.
  • Companies that have exclusively built and launched whole digital ecosystems with new technologies, selling, and servicing insurance are denoted as “pure play” businesses.

Even though the second group has not achieved as much commercial success as its counterpart, many commentators have carelessly grouped them all together under one umbrella term: insurtechs. Shockingly, this categorization includes thousands of players.

It’s essential to understand what is included in the definition of insurtech. Many people think that only digitally native companies make up this sector, but a large percentage consists of providers and facilitators who rely on existing insurance firms for support. This demonstrates how collaboration between traditional insurers and tech solutions is driving major advancements in the industry.

At first glance, the newer digital insurance companies promise to revolutionize the industry; however, it is these more established players who prove themselves to be smarter and faster. Looking back now reveals that many of those involved with insurtech were not truly ‘disruptors’ after all – they spent countless hours perfecting their operations and building robust business models above all else to provide outstanding service for customers.

Despite their high aspirations, it has become apparent that most “full stack” insurtechs have not attained the success level of their founders and investors. Selling insurance profitably is an arduous task they soon discovered. As inflation rises, these companies are typically unequipped to withstand this added strain – technology alone won’t be enough to conquer this obstacle.

Numerous other “insurtechs” have already earned tremendous success or are on the path to achieving it, because of producing profitable solutions and developing an effective marketing strategy for traditional insurance businesses. This procedure itself is incredibly intricate.

Unparalleled Insurtech Triumphs

As the rapidly expanding insurtech industry continues to grow, some of its most lucrative sectors include cyber risk/insurance, distribution, and embedded insurance. Moreover, through specialized telematics-driven connected devices and automated damage estimating capabilities we are now able to conduct virtual claims inspections as well as support digital customer interactions. Furthermore, aerial and geospatial underwriting solutions paired with e-payments for billing can also be used in predictive analytics such as fraud detection or streamlined claim workflow management.

Furthermore, the development of innovative insurtechs is on the rise through their utilization of blockchain technology and virtual/augmented reality.

Uniting Forces, Platforms, and Exchange Opportunities

In the face of a dwindling market, insurtechs are using inventive strategies to gain traction and foster growth. Three key beneficiaries of this shift in the strategy include collaborations, platforms, and insurance technology bazaars.

Insurtechs can maximize their value to customers through the development of personalized platforms, or vendor hubs. These capabilities are not only cost-efficient and quick to deploy but also save time in comparison with building them from scratch internally.

During the last twelve months, insurtechs have taken advantage of the potential collaboration opportunities with marketplaces – a digital platform where insurance companies can access multiple-point solutions and services. By leveraging these marketplace partnerships, they were able to grow their presence in the industry and establish comprehensive offerings.

Remain Attentive to Profitability

The insurtech industry has seen an exponential increase in funding over the past decade. According to Boston Consulting Group’s report, $15 billion of equity investment was allocated from 2012-2019; however, that amount doubled during 2019 alone and is expected to grow even further throughout 2020-2021.

Even though the achievements of insurtechs can no longer be merely calculated by capital received, Venture Capitalists are still some of the most well-informed investors and their judgment holds a great deal of power–especially in this current unstable economy. Therefore, we continue to take heed when they choose to make an investment.

During the first two months of 2023, Digital Insurance’s investigation discovered more than twenty insurtech funding events. These companies and their respective amounts include Ushur ($50M), Wefox ($455M), OpenEyes ($18M), Floodbase ($12M), Flock($38M), EvolutionIQ ($33.1M) Goose ($4 M), Joyn ($17 M) and BOXX ($14.4 Million).

Merger and Acquisition

For InsurTechs in need of funds but unable to secure more capital, mergers, and acquisitions can be a sound approach. Founders and investors may experience reduced ownership as an outcome, yet this ensures that staff stays employed and their concept can reach fruition while still earning from the combined business’ success. Lemonade’s takeover of Metromile is one such narrative illustrating how effective consolidation can truly be.

Plunging into the Future

The insurtech revolution has sparked a wave of innovation and pushed for meaningful change in the insurance industry, prompting major companies to set up venture capital funds to provide these inventive startups with monetary support. This investment is allowing new technologies to be developed that will help offer customers across the globe life-changing solutions.

To remain relevant and competitive in this digital age, insurers have made considerable investments toward modernizing, automating, and digitizing their core processes. This is due to the understanding that they cannot succeed by themselves anymore; instead, these companies are now taking advantage of the potential benefits brought about by teaming up with insurtechs. Nowadays it’s no longer enough to rely solely on legacy technology – businesses must be willing to innovate beyond their own walls if they wish to stay ahead.

We shouldn’t misinterpret the sluggishness of insurers to accept and implement changes as a sign that they’re not interested in transformation. It’s typical for insurance companies to take their time before seeing success from their transformation efforts; however, Insurtechs and the wider industry rely on each other, and this reliance will only become stronger as change management initiatives begin taking off.

As we look to 2023, legacy insurance carriers can capitalize on their available options such as investing in innovative technology and recruiting top talent at a reasonable cost. This will undoubtedly position them ahead of the competition and drive long-term growth.

Insurance companies and investors understand the great worth of tech-enabled startups, particularly insurtechs, due to their contributions to job creation and economic growth. To illustrate this point: recently Silicon Valley Bank obtained a guarantee from the federal government that all depositors—startups included—would not suffer any losses because of certain events. Though this was at first quite concerning for many individuals involved in these businesses, numerous insurtechs have assured customers and shareholders that ultimately no damage will be done to it.

Although some insurtechs may struggle or even fail in this challenging environment, the majority are successfully weathering the current climate and preparing for a thrilling next step of development. Even amidst these trying times, the movement is still thriving and rapidly transforming.

Though the concept of being “customer-centric” isn’t necessarily wrong, it is important to realize that a balance must be struck for such an idea to be successful. Have we gone so far in this direction as to make its effectiveness diminish?

On-demand insurance has quickly become the go-to choice for entrepreneurs and gig economy workers alike – and it’s no wonder why. Insurtech companies have been thrilled at its surge in popularity, as more people are leaning towards a familiar user experience with their insurance purchase that mimics shopping on Amazon or another online platform. This shift toward relying heavily on smartphones, applications, or other advancements is transforming how we shop for coverage today.

Subsequently, the marriage between technology and insurance resulted in the origination of on-demand insurance. Now, customers can shop for and purchase policies with no need to seek assistance from an insurance broker, or agent. For instance, a new founder can acquire a general liability policy or even errors and omissions coverage rapidly with just a few taps on their smartphone.

As commercial insurance brokers look to the future, they are taking advantage of on-demand technologies like mobile apps that make it easier for them to connect with their clients. From submitting vital documents, making payments, and even inviting collaborators onto policies — there is no denying that this industry has undergone a modern transformation at an astonishing rate. Even though some may see insurance as archaic in nature, technology continues to prove itself as the driving force behind its innovation.

Unveiling the Impact of AI and Machine Learning on Insurance

Before we delve into the exciting changes that have taken place in the industry due to embracing these progressive technologies, it’s important to note how underwriting has been a major part of this transformation. It is widely accepted now that Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning are changing the way insurance companies operate – from “detect and repair” to “predict and prevent”. This deserves closer attention as it could lead us toward an even more advanced future for insurers.

In the past, traditional underwriting processes were quite laborious and slow due to the manual evaluation of threats by human personnel. Fast forward to today, where automated underwriting is enabled by advanced algorithmic technology allowing businesses to make more precise decisions in a matter of moments! This revolutionary process has revolutionized risk management for modern-day organizations looking for ways to thrive in our dynamic digital world.

Despite our present-day trials, we should recall the not-so-distant past and its importance:

Insurance may be too easily accessible, especially with the influx of insurtechs that offer automated underwriting. These efficient tools can become a double-edged sword when it comes to larger companies or riskier industries like crypto and fintech– while they are great for simpler risks and smaller businesses, more intricate profiles require expert oversight in order to effectively secure coverage.

The Threats of On-Demand: Unnoticed and Underestimated

On-demand insurance has revolutionized the lives of many, and few would voice opposition to its benefits. Yet, when it comes to introducing new technologies, we must remain mindful that these advancements come with their own set of potential risks.

Let’s explore the double-sided risks associated with adequate coverage. To begin, tech-dependent brokers frequently fail to advise customers properly on what insurance products they should apply for. Additionally, these brokers leave clients wondering how precisely their protection should be structured or classified in relation to their business model.

We’ve witnessed the unfortunate trend of consumers making crucial insurance decisions without consulting their broker, leaving them with huge coverage gaps and often denied claims. As you can imagine, this is an incredibly dangerous avenue to pursue. Thankfully, clients are now empowered to modify vital coverages such as limits and deductibles — which must be managed by someone knowledgeable about insurance for a successful outcome.

Moreover, automated underwriting can create scalability issues for the larger risks that bypass the system. Once a human underwriter evaluates them, they are likely to non-renew or increase rates sharply in order to match the actual risk.

Proven and Practical On-Demand Insurance Solutions

Insurance customers demand various forms of communication from their brokers, transforming the role of a commercial insurance broker to meet these needs. Some prefer personalized attention while others would rather tackle tasks using an app. To ensure customer satisfaction and provide prompt responses, many carriers have embraced automation technology for certain underwriting data that are quantitative. Moreover, clients expect swift reactions from their insurers – making this shift towards digitalization paramount in meeting consumer expectations.

We should anticipate consistent advancement of automated underwriting among traditional companies and insurtech organizations. Virtually all life insurance firms have previously utilized digital processes, while commercial lines are projected to become increasingly reliant on automated underwriting with the notion of “predicting and preventing” in mind.

Ultimately, automated or on-demand insurance solutions have their place in the industry. Yet we should understand when clients, brokers, and underwriters require specialist expertise and attention. Combining human experience with technology is achievable – only if both forces acknowledge each other’s strengths and limitations for what they are.

Many insurance companies are sitting on valuable treasure troves of data that, with the right utilization and attention, could prove to be extremely beneficial. In this industry landscape, it is easy to identify those who have made use of their resources (the ‘haves’) versus those yet to capitalize on them (‘have-nots’).

While some businesses have become data-driven, utilizing it as an important asset and integrating it into their culture, other organizations are still missing out. Instead of taking advantage of the immense potential that comes with leveraging data properly, they simply have isolated pockets of ‘goodness’ that don’t benefit them in any significant way. If they continue to ignore this crucial element, they risk being left behind by their competitors who recognize the power and importance of using data strategically.

Certain larger personal lines insurers are in the lead due to their one-to-one connection with customers and commitment to providing a highly personalized experience. On the other hand, there are those general insurers trying to offer both commercial and individual services who remain behind because of siloed legacy systems that accumulate data but do nothing tangible with it. To craft effective solutions, they must break free from these outdated methods, embrace change, and use their data strategically.

As the market rapidly divides into opposing camps, we can anticipate that certain data trends will have a pronounced effect this year. What exactly do these trends promise to be?

#1 – Effects of disruptive innovation

This year, we can anticipate what the entrance of innovative disruptors to the market will encourage insurers to do.

The launch of Amazon’s insurance store at the tail-end of last year serves as an unambiguous warning to long-standing figures in the insurance industry – a potential disruption force has entered, and incumbent providers must stay abreast with digital transformation or face losing out.

What strategies can traditional insurers use to stay competitive? Crafting a policy that outlines how they could challenge and nullify the risks posed by new players is advisable. Enhancing customer intimacy, providing greater personalization services, as well as diversifying product offerings are crucial to achieving success. Amazon’s approach has always been to prioritize people before entering the insurance sector which may be what gives them an edge over their competitors.

Established companies should take Amazon’s success as an impetus to discard their outdated infrastructure in favor of more data-driven approaches. In other words, identify the antiquated systems that are creating bottlenecks due to data siloes and then upgrade them immediately. By taking this action, these firms will be able to move far faster to stay competitive.

As a non-insurance entity (known for its remarkable client service) entering the fourth biggest insurance market on the planet, it’s time to be wary of those who have yet to embark on their digital transformation.

 #2 – Could 2023 be the definitive year for technological revolution? 

For too long, the insurance industry has been discussing digital transformation without taking tangible steps. However, 2023 must be the year when companies act and transition to a more digitized approach.

Going digital isn’t only about the technical integration of technology, but also a cultural revolution toward its acceptance. While this means integrating technological advancements wherever they can augment potential, it is essential to avoid using tech simply for the sake of using tech.

Despite the advancements in technology, many companies in the insurance sector remain behind. To illustrate this reluctance to adapt, imagine introducing iPads into a firm – workers will still gravitate towards pen and paper for taking notes. The shift to digital transformation needs to be treated as an encompassing cultural change that affects all aspects of the organization. It is absolutely essential for firms to recognize this and manage it accordingly with thoroughness and care.

#3 – Automation and Robotic Process Automation (RPA) – is this the year that we embrace it?

This year has presented significant financial constraints, and companies may have to revive their interest in automation. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) was a widely discussed concept some years ago, but why hasn’t there been any progress since then?

Companies must be agile, adaptable, and able to adjust swiftly to the ever-evolving market conditions. However, before they can automate processes efficiently with RPA technology, organizations need full control of their data. The know-how is accessible, yet many businesses are not plunging into it due to a lack of proper data governance that acts as an impediment to growth and productivity by forcing workers to stick with manual labor instead of doing the tasks they love best.

In 2023, firms should be especially conscious of the new regulations surrounding General Insurance Pricing Practices (GIPP). Regulatory changes are inevitable and can have a profound impact on businesses. To remain up to date with these changing laws, companies must take proactive measures to equip themselves with relevant data to ensure compliance.

Staying ahead of the trends that will shape 2023 is no doubt a difficult feat, but questioning how your data is managed and taking pertinent action to align with evolving regulatory expectations should be at the forefront for firms looking to stay competitive.

By taking these steps, not only will firms maintain a competitive edge and neutralize new market entrants’ threats, but they can also make considerable progress with digital transformation projects that have been debated for so long.

For the past five years, 52% of global equity in the insurance industry has been unable to reach its cost of equity return on investment. According to McKinsey’s 2022 Global Insurance Report, although projections for premium growth indicate a recovery from 2020 pandemic-related declines (1.2%), numerous challenges remain ahead: consumer trends are changing and advanced technologies present relevant issues that must be addressed if insurers wish to stay competitive in this ever-evolving landscape.

Intelligent automation (IA) can revolutionize the traditional model, replacing it with an effective and cost-effective alternative. By adding IA to claims management, underwriting, pricing tactics, and distribution processes insurance companies are able to bolster profits while improving customer service as well as employee satisfaction.

What factors are causing the insurance industry to struggle?

The insurance industry is in a stagnant state, unable to bear the burden of profitability. The advancement of technology has opened customer options with price transparency and rapid access, creating a fiercely competitive market where businesses must battle for customers’ attention. Consumers now have more power than ever before when it comes to choosing an insurance provider due to the abundance of information available at their fingertips.

In recent years, property and casualty insurers have been unable to make cost-cutting measures work. Consequently, the entire industry has witnessed its return on equity fall below what it costs them for capital – except insurance brokers which are the only segment of this field with a positive economic growth rate. This contrast is further compounded by scant market demand in established markets leading these companies to rely more heavily on price hikes instead of an increased number of clients and new coverage options as was once their strategy.

The industry is facing a significant threat due to the changing growth model that involves increased prices. To break away from this, and cultivate sustainability-focused growth as well as innovation, advanced technologies must be utilized. This can provide lower costs for customers and employees, a better experience when it comes to customer service or the decision-making process, plus improved productivity overall.

What has driven digital transformation to be a necessity for the industry?

To satisfy the growing needs of the marketplace, insurance companies must increase their operational speed. According to McKinsey’s research, what normally took years now must be done in mere months or weeks – an ambitious goal that can only be attained with smart automation capabilities.

By introducing AI into the mix, insurers are able to benefit from reduced turnaround times, successfully manage higher volumes of applications and eliminate errors associated with manual processes. This newfound efficiency provides employees more time for creative problem-solving in order to come up with unique strategies, pay attention to complex cases and craft personalized customer experiences.

In today’s competitive business environment, it is essential to stay ahead of the competition. Consumers want the convenience and ease associated with digital channels but crave personalized service that only a human could provide. Insurance companies can set themselves apart by creating an ideal balance between automated technology and customer-oriented communication tailored specifically for each individual client. By doing this, they will be able to give their customers what they need while remaining profitable in such a turbulent market.

The emergence of Insurtechs – companies leveraging technology to maximize savings and efficiency within the insurance industry – has profoundly impacted IA’s significance in the future. It is evident that they are a force to be reckoned with considering global investments have gone from $1 billion in 2004 up to an astonishing $14.6 billion this year! Not only do these tech-savvy organizations provide improved customer experiences, but they also hone their focus on marketing & distribution along with property & casualty products which gives other insurers valuable insight into where value can be added.

How is the insurance sector utilizing intelligent automation to its fullest potential?

With the pressure to stay within budget, transitioning away from legacy systems and siloed functions can seem like an overwhelming task for many insurance companies. Fortunately, partnering with an automation provider provides a much-needed respite. These partners facilitate improved use of existing systems through digital workers who can weave between different applications and synchronize data information seamlessly – enabling insurers to selectively dismantle their legacy system in more gradual steps rather than having them overhaul everything at once.

By leveraging this transitional automation strategy, tasks such as onboarding, data analysis, claims settlement, and invoicing can still be automated – thus freeing up human workers to focus on more valuable activities. As a result of the reduction in manual labor required for these processes insurance companies will find themselves able to quickly settle customer disputes and comply with the most recent regulations without having to worry about extra costs or delays. Moreover, since IA initiatives reduce workloads, insurers are now able to automate additional services while simultaneously modernizing legacy systems that deliver increased value at no extra cost!

The demand for insurance is predicted to continue growing this year, particularly in emerging markets. Yet the long-term success of the industry will be based on its capacity to respond quickly and seamlessly by leveraging advanced digital technologies. To stay ahead of the game, insurers must learn how to leverage these tools to remain relevant now and into the future.

As technology continues to progress, insurance companies are faced with an ever-growing risk of malicious attacks that could jeopardize the data they retain on their policyholders. It is anticipated this threat will only increase in frequency and intensity over the coming years.

In today’s digital age, the chances of facing a cybersecurity attack are increasingly high. Data shows that the United States faced 46% of the world’s cyberattacks in 2020 alone – a worrying figure more than twice higher than any other nation. It is no longer “if” an organization will be targeted by hackers; it’s when they can expect to encounter such a threat.

As the risk of digital breaches increases every year, companies in high-risk fields must take a proactive approach to security. It isn’t about being more prepared than competitors – it’s about evaluating your resources and determining which ones are worth protecting from attack. This will help you determine your level of susceptibility and what preparation steps need to be taken.

Predicted to become more frequent and intense in the future, cyber-criminals are increasingly targeting insurance companies for their vast caches of personal information. The massive amounts of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) stored by insurers are highly sought-after resources on the dark web, with millions of Americans already affected. To protect their policyholders from nefarious actors, it’s essential that these organizations continually invest in cutting-edge security protocols and practices.

With the cyber threat landscape constantly evolving, 68% of business leaders feel like their cybersecurity risks are rising. As a leader in an insurance firm, it is time to take action and guarantee that you are fully prepared for any impending threats. Here’s how: maximize your team’s efficiency and response times by taking preventative steps to limit all potential risks posed by cybercriminals.

1. Prepare Your Employees with the Essential Skills to Reduce Risk

It is critical to consider all potential vulnerabilities when analyzing security risks. A study revealed that 95% of cyber-attacks are caused by human error, which can happen at any access point during online activity. Therefore, teaching employees the appropriate digital safety techniques should be a top priority to prevent misfortune.

Here are some tips and tricks for keeping your data secure:

  • Instill the Responsibility of Device Care — Recent data from Forrester revealed that 15% of corporate intrusions are caused by lost or stolen devices. With remote work on the rise, it is crucial to be proactive and take precautions; any device–personal or professional– can become a gateway into your network. To stay safe, IT teams should consider investing in a device management solution that allows them to manage employee devices remotely and minimize risk exposure. However, this must only serve as an additional security measure—it shouldn’t replace existing solutions.
  • Educate Staff to Identify Suspicious Behavior — To maximize the safety of their devices, employees must be trained to recognize any possible signs of suspicious activity. This could include new apps and programs suddenly appearing on their device; a slow-down in performance for no clear reason; added browser extensions or tabs that weren’t there before; as well as loss in mouse/keyboard control. Thus, it is essential for all personnel using company equipment to stay alert and mindful of such occurrences.
  • Safeguard Confidentiality at All Times — Make sure to properly communicate the importance of secure processes such as virtual private networks (VPNs), multi-factor authentication, and frequent password changes to all staff. Showcase tangible examples of data breach consequences in order for employees to comprehend that threats can arise anytime, anywhere – placing them and their confidential information at risk too. This will emphasize how imperative careful security management is for everyone.
  • Make the Most of Training and Online Courses — To ensure your organization’s safety, frequent “security check-ins” and comprehensive virtual training courses are available from the Federal Trade Commission, Department of Homeland Security, and other reputable sources. These invaluable tools will equip you with everything you need to protect your business from harm.

2. Unlock the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)

As insurance companies become increasingly digitized, the employment of artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques can help mitigate risk. Data aggregation is a powerful tool for combating malware, ransomware, as well as advanced persistent threats (APT). AI & ML allow for exponentially faster data analysis to detect anomalies within datasets. Implementing these technologies further enables continuous monitoring of workflows and rapid response should an attack occur.

When searching for a cybersecurity solution to secure your firm’s data, you must be sure that it follows certain measures. Make access control management, examining data behavior, encryption of large volumes of information, and prevention from potential leaks top priorities in order to ensure the safety of your insurance business.

3. Design a Detailed Action Plan

Having a well-defined plan and protocol can bring peace of mind to all stakeholders – insurance leaders, investors, and customers. This strategy should encompass all possible safety protocols as well as emergency actions. Here are some suggestions for best practices:

  • Data Privacy Rules and Regulations: Designed to deliver a comprehensive overview of corporate data processing and guarantee the utmost safety, this guide will ensure your company’s security.
  • Retention Policy: This document outlines the specific requirements for where and how long corporate data must be retained, providing a comprehensive overview of storage and archival processes.
  • Data Protection Policy: Uncovering the way an organization manages the private data of its employees, customers, vendors, and other external stakeholders is essential.
  • Unfortunate Occurrence Reaction Plan: To guarantee a swift, competent, and systematic answer to security issues including ransomware strikes and breaches, appropriate responsibilities and processes must be followed.

Despite the possibility of a cyber threat appearing to be remote, it is essential for insurance firms to optimize their preparedness and security in order to protect against potential attacks. In recent years, countless businesses regardless of size have fallen victim to cyberattacks – an unfortunate trend that continues today. If your company relies on digital systems or employees engage with the online ecosystem, chances are high that you may experience either attempted or successful intrusion attempts.

Can your organization risk an unexpected disaster? If the answer is a resounding no, it’s time to act! Protect what matters most – resources, personnel, and especially customers. Put your plan into motion now so you can be sure of security in any situation.