
How RegTech is streamlining insurance compliance

Change is no longer an exception for insurance companies—it’s the rule. With new competitors emerging and technology advancing at breakneck speed, staying ahead isn’t just an advantage; it’s a necessity. But while innovation is critical, insurers often face a familiar hurdle: regulatory compliance. The constant need to meet ever-evolving regulations can slow progress and make it difficult to focus on growth.

Fortunately, this is beginning to shift.

Insurers are now turning to technology, specifically RegTech—Regulatory Technology—to manage compliance in a more streamlined and cost-effective way. By automating tasks and utilizing tools like virtual agents and Robotic Process Automation (RPA), RegTech not only ensures regulatory demands are met but also enhances customer experiences and optimizes operations. It’s becoming the key to balancing compliance with innovation.

To better understand the impact this technology has had on the insurance sector, let’s explore the ABCs: What exactly is RegTech? Why do insurers need it, and what are some notable examples we’re seeing today?

What is RegTech?

RegTech refers to the use of advanced technology to help firms, big and small, comply with regulatory requirements. From finance and healthcare to education and hospitality, numerous industries benefit from technology that helps keep regulations in check.

Legal and compliance departments are often under pressure to stay updated and ensure every aspect of the business follows the rules. In the insurance industry, RegTech automates compliance processes across various business functions like reporting, monitoring, and data auditing. Compliance isn’t optional—insurers must adhere to guidelines set by regulators, but this can be overwhelming, especially when regulations change frequently.

Keeping up with regulations

The insurance industry is particularly vulnerable to regulatory changes, with rules often varying significantly across regions.

Last year, Aviva faced a hefty fine of $600,000 for failing to comply with auto insurance regulations which required insurers to provide auto insurance quotes to all eligible consumers under the company’s approved underwriting guidelines.

Manually keeping up with these evolving requirements is not only labor-intensive and time-consuming but also prone to human error. By integrating RegTech solutions into insurance systems, companies can automate critical tasks like reporting, monitoring, and compliance checks, significantly reducing the risk of non-compliance.

Beyond regulations

While RegTech’s primary focus is on compliance, its benefits extend beyond regulatory needs.

Automating processes like KYC (Know Your Customer) ensures faster onboarding, fewer errors, and quicker claims settlements, all of which improve the overall customer experience—something every business strives for.

Additionally, RegTech simplifies regulatory reporting, a typically time-consuming and error-prone task.

Start-ups like Duck Creek and Next Insurance help businesses, particularly small businesses in case of the latter, to ensure compliance by automating and integrating business processes under one digital platform that automates data collection, submission and generation of reports, among other benefits.

Overcoming legacy system challenges

One common hurdle insurers face is the reliance on outdated legacy systems, which can make adopting new technologies difficult. Fortunately, many RegTech solutions are designed to integrate seamlessly with existing infrastructure through APIs and cloud platforms.

This enables insurers to modernize their operations without needing to completely overhaul their systems, allowing them to benefit from new technologies without disruption.

Big Data vs. Smart Data

Insurers collect vast amounts of data daily, but not all of it is equally useful. While Big Data refers to large, unprocessed datasets, Smart Data is refined information that provides actionable insights.

RegTech plays a key role in transforming Big Data into Smart Data, allowing insurers to make more informed decisions about compliance, risk management and customer behavior. This refined data can improve everything from policy pricing to underwriting, ultimately helping insurers better serve their customers while maintaining regulatory compliance.

Aside from that, RegTech solutions like Zest AI excel at using advanced analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) to monitor risks and identify potential compliance issues in real time. Machine learning (ML) allows these systems to predict potential breaches and flag them before they become costly problems.

With cognitive computing, Regulatory Technology can analyze complex patterns and predict risks, improving fraud detection and optimizing underwriting. PwC’s 2022 survey found that 46% of insurance firms had been exposed to fraud or financial crime in the previous 24 months.

ML, in particular, speeds up risk assessments, making decisions faster, more accurate, and more reliable. This means insurers can take proactive steps to mitigate risks while improving operational efficiency.

The future?!

RegTech might come with some upfront costs, but in the long run, the benefits easily make it worth the investment.

Automating compliance processes not only reduces operational expenses but also cuts down on regulatory fines and penalties. In an industry where even the smallest fines can amount to thousands of dollars, this is a game-changer. Aside from that, it eliminates human error, making compliance more efficient and less risky.

RegTech is clearly not just a passing trend—it’s becoming the cornerstone of the insurance industry’s future.

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