Lendendock is cloud-based and we’ve deployed state-of-the-art security along with it. Every user is verified. The platform is built to NEVER store policyholder data. It provides fantastic insight into who is doing what and complete audit trails for verifiers and carriers, alike.
LenderDock verify and correction service is a “real-time” insurance policy verification system written exclusively for verifiers and lenders to review and update incorrect policy holder and lienholder information.
Electronic delivery of important insurance documents in real-time. Produce EOIs, certificates and other important policy documents to financial 3rd parties, automatically. ACORD standard forms or custom carrier forms.
Escrow payment due? Submit escrow payments for any number of policies ELECTRONICALLY, via LenderDock’s secure payment portal.
Bulk update or corrections of lien holder information on numerous policies at once. Upload a file to Lenderdock, verify bulk policy data, and submit lien holder updates in just a few clicks of the mouse.
EDI doesn’t cover it all so we created a mechanism to read reports and help carriers reconcile to their live policy management system, saving them countless hours of manual review.
We heard the cry from insurance providers of the time-consuming processes plaguing their call centers and agencies. Little did we know, financial 3rd parties were experiencing the same dilemma. Lenderdock was built with you in mind.
Although we don’t store the data, we still wanted to provide encrypted communications using today’s latest technology.
Speed and uptime is a must for our platform to survive. Cacheing and DoS Attach protection.
Lenderdock utilizes top technology in cloud keeping our platform up and safe.
Our clients range from small to large insurance carriers and our user base extends beyond the insurance industry, touching all financial institutions and other 3rd parties.